Travel from Jakarta to Semarang, Simple Transportation with Pick Up Service

If you are looking for travel from Jakarta to Semarang, you find a right website, because this site is an transportation website which serves Jakarta to Semarang.

Not only serve customer located in Jakarta, but if you are in Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi, Karawang, and others place named Jabodetabek you have chance to go to Semarang, Central Java.

Travel Semarang Tanjung Priok

A travel transportation also can send you beyond to Semarang which located at North Pantura. North Pantura of Central Java covers Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Pekalongan, Batang, and Kendal.

In short, solution between Jabodetabek dan North Pantura is travel that also named travel Jakarta to Semarang.

What is travel?

Before we talk more about transportation travel from Jakarta to Semarang, you should know more what is travel.

Travel is kind of transportation which serve between a city to another city for instance from Jakarta to Semarang, Central Java.

Travel has special facility that not be available on bus dan train. The service is pick up service which pick you up based on your address even your home.

After the travel car pick you up, the car will go to Semarang for some hour. After the car arrived in Semarang, Central Java, the car will serve your address.

It means travel is the simplest transportation than other public transportation in Indonesia include from Jakarta to Semarang.

Schedule of travel from Jakarta to Semarang

If you want to go to Semarang with travel from Jakarta, you may join reguler schedule that available at 7.00 a.m.

Unfortunately, travel will pick passenger one by one, that caused arrived car at your address will different from this schedule.

If you hate to waiting and prefer on time schedule, you can order travel carter (hire car) from Jakarta to Semarang.

Car can arrived your address based on your schedule freely for instance in the morning, in the afternoon, and so on obey your request.

Price of travel from Jakarta to Semarang

You jus pay IDR 350.000 or US$ 25 for regular travel from Jakarta to Semarang. It cover certain place only such as center city of Jakarta.

If your location far from city center, you should pay more that depend the address. To know more about the price you can call the customer care which embed on this site.

Price for travel carter is different from this reguler price, because you hire a car. The travel carter depend on the address and tipe of car.

The price include car, driver, dan gas. If you want the car leave for Semarang via Tol (paid road) you should spend more money.

How I order travel from Jakarta to Semarang

You may click button below to order travel transportation service form Jakarta to Semarang, central Java.

Please use mobile application Whatsapp, because it is populer in Indonesia and most Indonesia uses this application.

Write your name, your pick up address, your destination address, number of passenger, and departure date.

If you request travel carter, please send message about pick up clock.

Please send short message to Eltrans Travel, but clear message to avoid miss communication.


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